vitasploit ========== This project is yet another Vita exploitation solution for the recent WebKit vulnerability that allows exploring the native part of the Vita's software. The vitasploit project is merely a continuation of Amat Cama, johntheropper and freebot's amazing work who presented a complete solution for memory reading/writing and code execution using ROP for the Vita. Dependencies ============ Python2: Capstone: Instructions ============ Start up the server by running the `` script. Using your Vita browse to the address printed by the script (`http://:8888`). **Memory reading/writing mode:** - In the main html file (`index.html`) set `var doROP = false`; - With this setting the script will launch an interactive shell for memory reading/writing; - Commands: - `read ` -> Read "len" bytes from "addr" (the output is printed to the shell) - `run